Thursday, February 17, 2011


Shito-Ryu Karate-Do International Shuyoukan
affiliated to: Nippon Den Kenpo Shito-Ryu Karate-Do Shuyoukan
Australian Karate Federation Inc.

Traditional Karate

Sport Karate

Self Defence

Private tuition

Children's programs (from 4 years of age)

Fundamentals of Karate include Basics/Idosuki, Kumite (Sparring), Kata (Patterns), Self Defence, Take Downs and Break Falling.
Sport Karate offers specific training aimed at competition for athletes at all levels (State, National and International levels).
Karate develops many mental and physical skills and draws out talents which might otherwise remain hidden or repressed.
Benefits of training in Karate include:
 Physical Strength
 Joint Flexibility
 Speed & Co-ordination
 Motivation
 Anticipation

 Alertness in both confrontation & everyday activities
 Increase in Self Confidence
 Improved Breathing & Muscle Control
- and many more advantages.

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